Updated On: Mar 14, 2023



  • The Business Office is open from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM central time M-F, except holidays. Applicants may sign the out-of-work list from 8:00 AM until 4:50 PM.
  • Applicants wishing to place their names on the out-of-work list MUST report in person to the Business Office to register.
  • Applicants will be placed on the appropriate list, according to their qualifications per the Inside Agreement Art. XVI.
  • Once an applicant qualifies for, requests and is granted Group I status in any local union, the applicant shall retain that status in the local union and shall not be required to re-qualify unless the applicant qualifies for, requests and is granted Group I status in another local union.  If that situation occurs, the applicant would have to re-qualify for Group I status in any previous local union(s) in which the applicant enjoyed Group I status.
  • Upon sign-in, each signature will be time stamped for verification of proper placement on the list.
  • Each applicant will be issued a discreet registration number that must be retained by the applicant since it will be required in order to use the referral system.
  • Accuracy of the information supplied to Local 124 is the responsibility of the applicant and should be verified by the applicant before leaving the premises.
  • Members will be expected to produce a photo I.D. and a current dues receipt.
  • If an applicant has never signed in 124’s jurisdiction before, no further steps are necessary.
  • If signing in after a previous job call in this jurisdiction, a termination notice, or other proof of current unemployed status will be necessary before being allowed to sign.
  • Applicants will be required to renew their position each month to remain on the list.


  • In the event that a large volume of applicants is needed, i.e. a shutdown, the daybook procedure may be instituted.  In that event, the following will apply.
  • The Day Book will be kept in the Business Office.
  • Day Book sign-in will begin at 8:00 AM and close at 9:00 AM central time on regular business days.
  • Applicants must be on the out-of-work list prior to signing the Day Book.
  • Applicants will be offered job calls in order of their position on the out-of-work list.


  • The referral office will post the next business day’s job calls on the phone line and the referral application each evening.
  • Posting of job calls on the website is a courtesy to members and the absence of website postings does not indicate an absence of job calls.
  • Employers are required to submit all requests for applicants by 4:00 PM (preferably via email) in order that they are posted overnight to inform applicants of the next day’s job call(s). 
  • Applicants must submit their request for the next day’s job call(s) between the hours of 5:00 PM and 8:30 AM using the call-in system (See Contact Info)
  • Requests not placed by 8:30 AM are not timely and will not be accepted.
  • The applicant’s registration number is required in order to place a request by phone.
  • The referral agent will begin the job call process at 9:00 AM central time each business day.
  • Applicants will be contacted at the phone number they provided on the call-in system in order that they appear on the out-of-work list.
  • Applicants using the referral application or website need to have the correct call back phone number in their online profile.
  • Applicants for job calls will be contacted two times.  The referral agent will then move on to the next applicant.
  • The referral process will begin each business day with Group 1, until that list is exhausted, then proceed to Groups 2, 3 and 4.
  • Instructions for use of the call-in system are provided in the form of self-explanatory voice prompts when the applicant dials in.
  • Instructions for the referral application are on the website at www.ibew124.org
  • Under the Day Book procedure (if in use), it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they are on the Day Book by 9:00 AM.
  • Applicants on the Day Book (if in use) will be announced in order, as they appear on the out-of-work list, unless flagged for no calls.
  • Once the Day Book (if in use) has been exhausted, the calls will be available to those applicants who may arrive after 9:00 AM.
  • Calls not filled from the call-in system or through the referral application website may be offered in person at the Hall.  Referral will cease when all calls are filled.
  • The Business Manager may dispatch applicants at any time in the event of an emergency.


  • An applicant shall indicate their acceptance or refusal of a job offer upon being called by the referral agent.
  • Refusal of non-specialty calls shall result in a recordable refusal or “strike” on the applicant’s record.
  • Only the top 25 on the out of work list will receive strikes.
  • Three strikes will place the applicant at the back of the list.
  • A maximum of one strike may be recorded each day, regardless of the total number of calls available that day.
  • Upon acceptance of a job call, the applicant will report to the Referral Office to pick up their referral.
  • Once a call has been accepted, it may not be refused or returned if such refusal would result in excluding another member from a job opportunity.
  • Return of a job call that results in damage to another applicant will cause the offending applicant to lose their position and the applicant will be required to sign the bottom of the out-of-work list.
  • When taking a “specialty call” which requires certifications, the applicant will be required to present valid certificates to the referral agent prior to being referred.
  • Members should produce a paid-up dues receipt to pick up their referral.
  • After receiving the referral at the Referral Office, it is the responsibility of the applicant to report at the proper place and time as noted on the referral.
  • If the potential employer rejects the applicant, the applicant must return to the hall with their referral slip marked “rejected” in order to regain their prior position on the out-of-work list.


  • All registered applicants MUST renew their position on the list each month.
  • The renewal dates shall be from the 10th of each month until midnight on the 16th of the month.
  • You may re-sign by phone, fax, email, US mail, online, in person or with the referral application.
    • Phone:             816-942-7500
    • Fax:                  816-942-8805
    • Online:              www.ibew124.org
    • Email                bschilling@ibewlocal124.org or any agents email (See Contact Info)
    • Text                  816-489-5672 – (please include your name, LU, and Card # in the text)
  • If re-signing by fax or online, be sure to keep your sent report or receipt.
  • If re-signing by Email or text, please keep your returned email/text for confirmation – request read receipt.
  • Applicants failing to re-sign will be dropped from the list and will need to re-sign in person.
  • You MUST re-sign if you are working a short call within this jurisdiction.


  • An employer may place a short-term call for employment that is to last for 21 calendar days or less with no limitation on hours.
  • Short-term calls will be offered to eligible applicants in the same manner as regular calls.
  • Eligibility for short-term calls is prioritized by first being offered to applicants who have had no short-terms since their last regular call, then one, two etc.
  • Upon termination of a short-term call, the individual must return a valid termination slip to the hall in order to be eligible to receive calls again.  You may also take a picture of the termination notice and text it to an agent. (See contact Info)
  • Any termination for cause or a quit will result in the applicant losing their position on the books and having to re-sign in person.


  • Applicants may “flag” their names for no calls in the event that they are temporarily unavailable to get a referral.
  • Flagging must be done by the applicant either in person or over the phone.  An IBEW card number or SSN is required to flag or un-flag and may only be done by the applicant.
  • While an applicant is flagged, the referral agent will not offer a call and no strikes will be recorded


  • Applicants who are not members of local 124 shall be required to carry a validated work permit, issued by Local 124.
  • Work permits shall be renewed monthly by your jobsite steward, where present, or in person at the Hall by the first Tuesday of each month.

Contact Information:



Main Line




JW Job Line


VDVS Job Line


CE Job Line


For Referral questions, please contact Ben Schilling at 816-489-5672 or bschilling@ibewlocal124.org

  • IBEW Local 124

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